EDUCEM Giggin' Policy Co-Design Lab

On Tuesday 31st of May, one of the Giggin’ Policy project partners in Spain, EDUCEM, ran their first Giggin’ Policy “Innovation Co-design Policy Lab”.


What was the topic of the meeting?

The 5 students and the 4 alumni who participated in the “policy lab” were all interested in the possibility of becoming giggers. As such they highlighted the need for information on the financial challenges and opportunities involved (what studies had been carried out? what support was there from third parties?). They discussed the state of the current labour market and how they saw the employment situation they would face after finishing their studies or as current students and where they saw themselves in 10 years’ time. They did a SWOT analysis of the gig/freelancing economy in Spain.

ROC Friese Poort Workshops

The Giggin’ Policy team of ROC Friese Poort gave two inspiring presentations and workshops yesterday during the “What inspires you?” Festival in Leeuwarden.

They talked about the activities that we have organised for our students so far to create awareness about the opportunities and challenges in freelance work. The participants have been given the opportunity to issue advice to support young people in their entry into the Gig Economy.

It was wonderful to see that our workshops were attended by fellow teachers of different subjects and managers from all branches of ROC Friese Poort.

Our first Dutch Co-Design Policy Lab

Event approved and part of the European Year of Youth #EYY. 

To find out more information about the event, click on the European Youth Portal here!

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